About me

My research interests and activities focus on investigating complex systems as they unfold through time and space using mathematical modelling, data science, and machine learning (projects). I am particularly enthusiastic about wrangling real-world data.


At the core of any such system lie evolution, its driving force of change, and a graph, encoding its structure. To examine how the former affects the latter, and vice versa, I resort to

  • evolutionary game theory, population dynamics, and graph theory;
  • Bayesian inference, econometric and statistical analysis of data;
  • agent-based modelling, computer simulations, programming.

While I am best skilled in these areas, I also have a strong interest in machine learning and (deep) reinforcement learning.


I mostly work in Python and am proficient in, for example:

  • Pandas, NumPy, h5py, Scipy, Scikit-learn, and Statsmodels for statistical data analysis,
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualisation (in combination with the LaTeX drawing package PGF/TikZ),
  • Igraph for network analysis,
  • PyStan for Bayesian inference, rpy2 for embedding R methods,
  • C-extension Cython for boosting performance,
  • GeoPy and Folium for geospatial analysis.

I have also gained experience in Bash, C++, Matlab, Mathematica, SQL, C#, R, HTML & CSS.